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5 Easter Activities You Can Do in Quarantine

Easter is just right around the corner, and in compliance with everything going on in the world at this time, we’ll be celebrating while social distancing. Although this isn’t how we’d normally celebrate holidays, we’re trying to make the best of it by coming up with activities we can do at home. Whether you have children or not, these activities and DIYs are something fun that everyone can do! 


Easter Egg Hunt

This isn’t your typical Easter Egg Hunt– it’s an all-day scavenger hunt! Hide eggs everywhere, and we mean e v e r y w h e r e, throughout your house as well as outside. Make it more fun by hiding a paper, or stuffed animal, bunny around the house and take turns hiding it throughout the day. Whoever finds the most eggs and finds the bunny the most, wins! You have the entire day to get creative!



Even if cooking isn’t your thing, trying a new recipe or baking with someone you like can be so much fun! Of course, you can keep the tradition of dyeing eggs if that’s what you enjoy, but there’s also some fun easter-inspired breakfasts and treats you might enjoy. For example, why not try eggs in a bird’s nest or homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs


DIY Colorful Flowers

Something that your local grocery stores probably aren’t running out of during this time is flowers! This is something that you can take advantage of, spruce up your home and get into the spring season! We found this fun DIY of how to color your own white flowers with just a little bit of dye and patience. 


Jelly Bean Guessing Game

Jelly beans– maybe you love them, maybe you hate them, but we think you’re going to love this game with your family.  Take turns eating jelly beans with your eyes closed and try to guess what flavor you got! Or, if you happen to find jelly beans with both tasty and weird flavors, play a game where you try to avoid eating the weird flavors– Game on!


DIY Fort

Looking for something fun that doesn’t require too much effort? Build a fort in your living room, grab some snacks and watch an Easter movie with your loved ones– No special trip to the grocery store required! 


However you decide to spend your weekend, we hope that you spend it by staying safe and healthy at home. We are committed to helping serve our community, which also means socially distancing ourselves for the safety of others. We are proud to be your real estate team and look forward to working with you in person once things are safe again. Until then, we are still here to help you with any and all of your real estate needs, just virtually! Give us a call at 859-519-3113 or send us an email to and we would love to work with you! 


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