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Give Back This Holiday Season

We know that this time of year can be stressful and hectic but it is also a time that we can reflect on our lives. A time to remember how blessed and fortunate we are to have the things that we do. It is at this time that we should give to others and share what we have been blessed to have because there are many people in the world and our community who are unemployed and/or struggling this time of year. So we have compiled a few ways to give back!



1. Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House provides a place to stay for the families of those who have children staying in local hospitals. They have a wish-list of items they need!

2. Gods Pantry

God’s Pantry Food Bank provides food for thousands of people all throughout kentucky!

You can volunteer in many different way here! They take donations, you can sort food, work phone intake lines, help distribute food, and more!

3. Military Missions

Military Missions exists to support and honor deployed military personnel by sending care packages year round as an expression of appreciation and gratitude. There are many different ways to contribute! You can donate items from their care package suggestion list, volunteer to assemble packages, and so much more! Check out their website to look at all their different opportunities!

4. Lexington Humane Society

Our little furry friends need love during the Holidays! The Lexington Humane Society has a wish-list available and you can also volunteer your time!

5. Annual Faith and Community Christmas Store

Give back to families in need by donating gently used and new toys, books and games!

6. United Way of the Bluegrass

United Way fights for the education, basic needs and financial stability of every person in the Bluegrass. One way they help the community is they create goodie bags for children across the bluegrass! Inside each bag is a warm set of pajamas, a book and snacks. There are also many other ways which you can find on their website!

7. Operation Christmas Child

This organization is run through Samaritan’s Purse, and involves filling shoeboxes with gifts for children in other countries. Recommended items include school supplies, small toys, clothing, and hygiene products!

8. Elf on the Shelf Toy Donation

Have your child’s elf on the shelf ask them to gather all of their unwanted clothes and toys for children in need. It is a great way to clean out their room and help children who will find a new appreciation for their toys!

9. Buy gifts that give back!

There are various products that you can buy that the company donates money to charities with your purchase. Here are a few examples!

10. And…random acts of kindness!

One of the easiest ways is to brighten someone’s day!

Some easy ideas:

Pay for donuts and coffee at a church

Deliver poinsettias, treats and cards to a local assisted living center or nursing home.

Deliver Christmas treats to the local post office, police station, firehouse, etc.

Anonymously pay for someone’s dinner

Leave a generous “holiday” tip for a restaurant server

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