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Neighborhood Kids Remind Drivers to Slow Down


The beginning of the school year meant that many kids were back to walking or biking to and from school in areas that are also heavy with traffic. Neighborhoods located close to main thoroughfares had been experiencing drivers traveling at speeds well over the set speed limits, and members of the community set to find out what they could do to rid their neighborhood of the problem. Some of those neighborhood associations developed sign painting projects aimed to remind drivers to slow down while traveling through areas heavy in pedestrian traffic. On Saturday August 8, the Kenwick Neighborhood Association and Victory Christian Church hosted Kids at Play Neighborhood Art Project. This sign painting party brought together children from the neighborhood to paint signs with slogans such as, “slow down” and “children at play.” The Kenwick Neighborhood Association reported a great turn out with the completion of 40 signs to place around the neighborhood. Community members who could not attend could also participate by adopting a sign to be displayed in their yard. Other neighborhoods followed Kenwick’s example and hosted their own painting project.  The Castlewood, North Limestone and MLK neighborhoods collaborated to host a sign-painting project on Saturday, September 19. Community members gathered at Castlewood Park to paint signs for their area.  The Lane Team wants to know what you do to make your neighborhood a safer and more enjoyable place to call home! Show us your community projects or start your own sign painting initiative!



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